Mr. Toad's Wild Cab Ride!

 I avoided the cable car lines yesterday, but not the taxi lines today! We waited about an hour for a taxi to the airport; note to self; pre-book a taxi when departing a cruise ship.

Once again our cabbie was crabby because we did not have cash. He offered to stop twice at an ATM. The second time Joe said NO, adamantly, and that was that.

I am not sure whether it was our karma, or his, but about ten miles from the airport we heard a thunk and a lot of rattling and knew we had a flat tire. Our cab driver did an amazing job pulling the car off to the side of the road considering he was driving 70 MPH.

Our flight was at 2pm so we were not stressed about the time. He managed to put on the spare tire and we were on our way.

Once we arrived at the Athens airport we were met with a barrage of people. It was the most chaotic airport I have ever been in and opted for the wheelchair option. I can walk and keep up with most, but standing still in long lines, with people smashed up against me can make me woosie, and nauseous, and considering my lovely vagal nerve trick of passing out, and having a small seizure, I try not to put myself in those situations.

Today it was a blessing that the handicapped area was right when you walked into the airport, where we waited until it was time to check our bags. We were whisked through baggage check-in, and security and to our gate. 

Our plane left late, which put us into Warsaw too late to catch our connecting flight to Krakow. No surprise there; it seems every time we are in Poland we have travel issues. Today was no different.

Luckily, we were met with a wheelchair that took us immediately to the information booth where we could rebook our flight; we got the last two seats, on the last flight of the day, to Krakow; six hours later.

They gave us two snack packs, two bottles of water, and two vouchers for dinner. We went to a Polish restaurant, ate some pierogies, and waited for our flight. Fortunately, our flight left only a little late, and we finally made it to Krakow; better late than never.

In Europe, when your flight delays the arrival to your destination by more than three hours, you are compensated, so that helps to lessen the disappointment and inconvenience. Ironically, the last time we were in Poland, we had similar travel complications, too. I am just grateful that we made it to Krakow. With our luggage, in one piece.

Our Airbnb was easy to find and in a perfect location. I can hardly wait to start exploring the city in the morning.

Night y’all!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


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