Do You Have A Leukemia Inspired Tattoo?

Last year, Healthline voted my blog as the "Best Leukemia Blog of 2017" what an honor! Now, they are honoring those of you with Leukemia inspired tattoos!

I know that many of you have a great story behind your own, personal tattoo, and if you would like to share it with others, as an inspiration, you might  want to consider submitting your story to Healthline, for a chance to share your story, in their newsletter and with their community.

I would also like to share your stories on my blog, my instagram (CMLMichele) and my new facebook group: CML (Chronic Mylogenous Leukemia); A Place for Hope and Humor!

Soooo.....if you are inspired to inspire, you can submit your story here: Leukemia Inspired Tattoo  and then shoot it over to me, too!

Wishing you a Happy Day!


  1. Thank you, Michelle!! This is such an awesome idea. I emailed you. Hope you are well. I miss you.



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