Blooming: Despite Leukemia

Yesterday, I was taking some photos of the flowers, in front of the house. What kept going through my mind was how resilient they are, and how they bloomed where they were planted.

It didn't matter that some of the bulbs were under rocks, they still managed to find their way, into the light. They still managed to grow and bloom. They are strong and resilient; just like those of us living with a chronic cancer, or chronic disease.

They fight through adversity and difficult situations, and strive to combat the wind, the rain and the hail; they stand tall and bring joy, without even knowing how special they are.

Many people live with adversity, yet continue to bloom where they are planted. I know that living with a chronic cancer has helped me to bloom in ways that I never could have imagined.

For instance, this blog....Never, ever, in a million years would I have ever thought that I would speak my mind, from my heart, to any one that was interested in reading; never would I have dreamed of speaking in front of a crowd about my disease, and what it was like living with a chronic cancer, never did I think that my experiences would reach out and help others, who found themselves, in my same boat, and never did I think that I would continue to bloom, after that devastating day, more than seven years ago, when I first heard the words, "You have cancer."

It is not always easy, and it can be wearisome at times, to manage and live with a chronic condition, but I plan to continue to bloom where I have been planted, and to play the hand that I have been dealt; with a smile on my face, a song in my soul and the belief in my heart that I am exactly where I am supposed to be!

                              10 Things That May Help You Bloom!

1. Volunteer; your time, your talent or just a listening ear.
2. Learn a new skill or hobby; for me, it was crocheting!
3. Turn on some music and dance!
4. Read a book.
5. Interact with a child; they see life differently.
6. Snuggle a baby!
7. Go for a walk.
8. Smile at a stranger.
9. Go someplace you have never been.
10. Count your blessings.

Do you have something special that helps you to bloom?


  1. Such a great outlook and tips for anybody but especially those currently going through a struggle. I wish you all the best in your continued journey.


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