The Acropolis and Parthenon Museum

It is another hot day, here in Athens. Perfect for an indoor activity. The Acropolis and Parthenon Museum seemed the obvious choice as it was just around the corner from our apartment, and hey, we are in Athens, right?

The museum was built to house every artifact found on the rock and the surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece. It also lies over the ruins of a part of Roman and early Byzantine Athens. There are more than 4,250 objects exhibited here and the views are astounding.

I learned much by watching the short film that was played continually, and I was amazed at the sheer age of what was housed there.

It was a perfect way to experience the history of Athens as I am certain that walking up to the ruins, spending a few hours while up there, and then walking down in the heat is not a good idea for me. I can scarcely believe that I am actually saying no to an activity based on what is “best” for me!

We shall see if my good sense holds out during our entire stay.

Of course, after tromping around the museum we were hungry, and the most difficult thing about that is that there were so many amazing options that we were having a hard time choosing where to eat.

We ended back at Ami Cafe and ordered a pizza, it had some sort of meat, like salami, pine nuts, and mascarpone cheese; it did not disappoint! The food in Athens is inexpensive and delicious; I might need to be wheeled to our cruise in a few days.

After lunch it was time to give these tired old legs a rest, so we headed home and took a short break before our next adventure. 

The adventure consisted of walking around the Acropolis at night, looking up at the lit ruins that are thousands of years old. They truly do not even seem real; they look like a postcard. There was a concert being played that night in the theater so there were throngs of people, everywhere.

After walking through the shopping streets, we decided to call it a night; 13k steps were enough for me!

Oh, and dinner! lol The Greek salads and feta cheese  here are to die for!

Night y’all!

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