Off We Go to Annecy, France!

One of the perks of staying in France vs Switzerland is it is far less expensive! Same meal, half the price!  Other perks are our Airbnb; they have a sauna, and fans, and are super close to the airport!

When we woke up it was raining, the first real rainy day of our trip. We have been so fortunate with the weather that none of us minded a bit. It was enjoyable and a really good excuse to simply laze around before hitting the cobbled streets.

Instead of going back to Geneva, we decided to go to Annecy, France, and I am so glad we did! It was charming, quaint, delightful, refreshing, and beautiful. I LOVE France! 

This historical alpine town is known for its great food, historical sights, winding canals, cobbled streets, and pastel-colored houses. Lake Annect feeds into the Thiou River and is so clear you can see straight to the bottom. I would love to spend an afternoon sailing on the lake.

While strolling through the streets, we came upon Eglise Saint Morice D’Annecy, a Catholic church, so, of course, we had to go in. It is a Gothic church that was built as the chapel of a Dominican convent in 1422. Churches are great free museums, full of artwork and stained glass. My favorite things to discover are the pipe organs and gargoyles. This particular church did not have any gargoyles, but they had a beautiful pipe organ and to our delight, a young man was playing it. The sound of the organ filling the church was regal.

There were so many amazing-looking restaurants we had a hard time choosing one, but once we finally made a choice, we were happy. Restaurant Chez Monique had so many good things on the menu that it was hard to make a choice, so I asked our waitress to choose for me; her choice was the salmon spaghetti, I am certain they had a fancier name, but I do not remember what it was! It was delicious! 

LeAnn had a salmon pizza, Joe a Lamb shank, and Gabriel had another pasta dish. The beers were in HUGE skull mugs and were icy cold. It was a lovely dinner for our last meal together in Europe.

Annecy was the perfect ending to our travels together with LeeAnn and Gabriel. It is going to seem very strange continuing on our journey without them, but “real” life is calling them home. I know Jack and Flynn will be very happy to have them back, but they will be missed here!

Our flight leaves at 6 am, for those of you who know me, I am likely to be UP at 3 am, but not likely to WAKE UP at 3 am! This is the flight I have been dreading, so I will be glad to put it behind me!

We made amazing memories that will last a lifetime and I am so, so, so grateful.

Night y’all.

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


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