Last Day in Krakow

Today is our last day in Krakow, and we are taking it easy. I could not resist going back to that little cafe for another bowl of that amazing oatmeal. It was just a little different, but just as good!

After breakfast, we wandered over to the outdoor market, where people were peddling their wares and entertaining the masses. The food being cooked in the outdoor stalls looked beautiful, and I was very sorry I didn’t have a second stomach!

We took a few last laps through the Old Town Square, poked our head into a church, and couldn’t resist eating more grilled Camembert cheese and perogies before indulging in two more. 

I am excited to be traveling to Prague tomorrow by train and also excited to call it a night earlier than usual. I am winding down and ready for some easier days. We have been to Prague before, so I am looking forward to enjoying the city without having to see all of the main attractions.

Hope you enjoyed Krakow as much as I did.

Night y’all!

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