Last Day in Athens is a Bust!

I have been amazed at how well I have felt throughout my travels thus far. I have been quietly thanking the health Gods, all along the way. I think they must be blessing someone else today, as I woke up in the middle of the night with good old diarrhea! 

If I wasn’t the “leukemia lady” and traveling through Europe with CML, I probably wouldn’t even share this lovely tidbit, but because so many people living with cancer live an unpredictable lifestyle, based on side effects and treatments, I felt it best to share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Our “plan” for the day was nothing extravagant, we were just going to have lunch and dinner and maybe do a little shopping. After spending most of the morning in and out of the bathroom, and taking Immodium and Zofran, I finally gathered the courage to walk down to the bakery around the corner to see if anything looked appetizing.

I have a sneaky suspicion that this bout of diarrhea may have been from the food, not my Bosulif, although Joe and I both ate the same things and he is fine. 

We brought our breakfast “snacks” back to the apartment, just in case, because if you have ever been to Europe, you know that toilets are at a premium!

Turns out that it was agood thing that we ate at home because shortly afterward I was in and out of the bathroom and down for the count. That day was a real “Down Day”.

I spent my last day in Athens in bed. While I was a little disappointed, I reminded myself how fortunate I have already been, and that these days are to be expected. I have such a hard time giving in to these down days, as my heart and soul always says “Go”; so when my body says “No”, it makes me a little sad.

Joe did wander out for dinner, and also went to Victory for one last Baklava. He had a great time visiting with other Americans and the staff, and I was sorry to have missed it, but such is life.

No doubt the universe is telling me to slow down, at least for a few days. I am grateful that I can do so, and I am looking forward to getting on the ship tomorrow.

Night y’all!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


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