Vasovagal Strikes Again!

Warning: Graphic Material Ahead!

Twas the night before travel, and I thought it would be a good idea to take 200mg of Bosulif with my lunch. This can sometimes cause nausea, but I figured it would be better to have more time between my medication and flying in the morning. I was planning on not taking my morning pill due to travel, and taking my pills when I arrived in Oslo. This was oncologist-approved.

All was well for about two hours, my daughter had arrived from Ca. and we were passing the time by puzzling. Joe was in the kitchen cooking, no surprise there. He brought us a plate of sauteed okra and yellow squash and after eating a few pieces I became slightly nauseous.

This is not entirely unusual as Bosulif often has this effect on me.

I went to the bathroom and gratefully no diarrhea, I was hoping this would pass quickly and used some CBD drops, which usually do the trick. This was rinse and repeat three times, so I popped a Zofran. The fourth time MAJOR nausea set in, like “Going to throw up” nausea.

I quickly changed positions from on the toilet to in front of the toilet and the next thing I knew I woke up on the bathroom floor, beside the toilet, in a pile of vomit.

My last thought was “Oh, please do not pass out” and my next thought was “damn, I passed out!”  You see, I have this thing called vasovagal, also known as I pass out when I throw up. 

This has not happened in 15 years, wouldn’t it just figure that it would happen the night before a seven-week trip to Europe? To say I was shocked and disgusted is putting it mildly.

Sitting on the floor, I called for Joe to bring paper towels and a glass of water because you know, GROSS!

course, LeeAnn followed and was freaked out. She ran me a bath and didn’t leave my side all night. Fortunately, it was an isolated incident, so I am guessing I didn’t eat enough when I took my pills because I felt better afterward.

I am still a little unnerved by the whole ordeal, but since this has happened before, I felt relatively certain it would not happen again, and I would be safe to travel.

Now for the gross part; apparently, I threw up out of my mouth and my nose! I spent the better part of the evening trying to clear my throat, which I must not have accomplished because when I laid down to go to sleep, all of the gunk left in my nasal passage started to seep down my throat. Unpleasant to say the least, so my advice, if this ever happens to you, lay down afterward relax and recuperate.

Vasovagal sucks, and years ago it happened much more frequently, to the point of having pillows in my bathroom on the floor. This happened so fast that I did not have time to prepare, but I wish I had at least had time to call for help and to lay down.

The scariest part is the convulsive-like feeling when coming out of it. It is a weird sensation almost dreamlike, and a bit disorienting when you regain consciousness.

Sooo, I just thought I would share my party trick, and let you know that I have every intention of getting on the plane tomorrow to start my Epic Adventure!

All prayers are welcome!

Never a dull moment! Of

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


  1. Oh I am so sorry sweet friend. My prayers , love and strength are with you. Bon voyage!!

  2. Michele....I am so sorry this happened to you especially right before a fabulous adventure. Glad you are okay. Sending positive vibes and prayers for a safe and wonderful trip. Looking forward to your posts and photos. Enjoy every minute. ❤️


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