Party Trick Number Two on DAy Two Oslo!

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining and the temperature is perfect. We managed to get some sleep, it was not great sleep, but at least some sleep. Since I am a slow starter LeeAnn hit the gym and sauna while I lazed around and enjoyed the view; from bed.

I am still a bit puny, but I hope as the day goes on I will be able to eat without feeling nauseous and the fear of a repeat vasovagal will subside.

One of the top tourist “attractions” in Oslo is the Palace, so we figured we would start our day there. I saw online that the Changing of the Guard and parade were scheduled for 1:30, so we made our way there, taking our time to explore along the way.

We had a lovely pastry and I even braved a delicious latte. Strolling through the parks along the way was delightful, and the hydrangeas were gorgeous! I cannot understand why my hydrangeas in Tennessee cannot grow like the ones in Norway.

Once we arrived at the Palace we snagged a place right up front to watch the “show”. I find it enriching to experience the traditions of different countries and this did not disappoint. We talked to a few guards and learned that when a child turns 19 it is a requirement to “serve” for a minimum of one year. I believe this instills a sense of responsibility and pride in their youth.

Upon leaving the Palace, we walked through an adorable park where the sculptures were all designed by children. I loved the concept and the adaptation from their drawings to the actual sculptures.

As luck would have it we came upon the outdoor market where I bought a pyrite stone for “grounding” and a bracelet for abundance. So many pretty things with no room in my luggage; that will be a money saver.

It wouldn’t be a proper visit to a city if we did not visit a church, so we did. The Oslo Cathedral was completed in 1697 and has been the setting for several royal weddings since 1905. The pipe organ was amazing as was the mosaic and painted ceiling.

After visiting the church, I felt hungry for the first time in three days. We decided to eat at the Cathedral Cafe as it was both charming and located right next to the church. After being directed to the nonsmoking section of the outdoor cafe, I promptly fell up the stairs! Thank God it wasn’t down, and as far as I can tell, I didn’t break any bones; party trick number two. Looks like the grounding stone might not have been a great choice because it grounded me GOOD!

The pizza that we ordered was a white sauced chicken something or other that came with jalapenos and a lemon slice; it was divine. I ate and felt great, so I am grateful beyond measure and hope this turn for the better lasts.

Feeling great we left the restaurant and decided to walk down to the water to see what we could see. We strolled by the Opera House, enjoying the outdoor music and dancing, taking in the views, and reveling in the beautiful weather. 

After hitting a total step count of over 15k we decided that we had done the day proud. It was 9 pm and we were certain we would sleep like rocks. HA HA HA

We finished “Emily in Paris” and started “Gossip Girls” at 2:30 am we finally shut off the TV forcing the sleep issue. Adjusting to new time zones is a real thing. Better luck tomorrow.

Thank you for a great day, Oslo.

Night y’all! 

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


  1. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing. Praying you are feeling much better!❤️🙏


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