A Magical Day in Wildeberg

Our first full day in Wildeberg was amazing! We started the day at a lovely cafe, Genusswerk, with amazing pastries, coffee, quiche, and Bircher Muesli. The muesli was my favorite thing on this morning’s menu.

After our breakfast, we searched for waterfalls, but we did not find any. We did however find a service road, where we could park, and as we were walking around the loop, we met a kind man named Adrienne, who had a lovely dog named Lottie! She was a Bernese Mountain dog and insisted on staying with us.

Adrienne was an attorney, and getting ready to retire. He informed us about the construction taking place all around us and mentioned that they were building a pathway for the frogs to cross the road.

He then told us about Roman ruins, that were near a lake and offered to show us where they were. We followed him across town, and after sharing some historical information,  he sent us on our way. 

We explored the ruins, marveling at the construction of the fort, as well as the views. Everywhere we look there is beauty. And everywhere we go there are cats; field cats. Friendly cats that we are loving.

Hungry, we headed home. After lunch, Eva, our lovely hostess offered to give us a tour of their Old Mill property, which is fabulous! The old mill, where we are staying, was built in 1721, burned down, and was rebuilt in 1727. There are many outbuildings that they are still working on renovating and preserving.

They did a fabulous job melding the old with the new working to preserve the history of the property, while also living in the mill.

Their horses are beautiful and friendly as are the sheep, and chickens. The sheep are nearly extinct as are the chickens, so they are doing their part in conservation there, too! 

She shared their eggs with us, for breakfast, and gave us permission to wander the property and enjoy the animals. We are in heaven!

Afterward, we went to the local supermarket; Migros. We were all like children in a candy shop. It is so exciting to see new foods and snacks. We ended up buying a little of this and a little of that, and a lot of chocolate! It was so much fun picking out different food items, some on the recommendation of locals.

We brought our goods back “home” and enjoyed a charcuterie board before heading out on another hike. We enjoyed one of the recommended cheeses, and were not a fan of the other two! Warning to Americans, if you do not like the taste of wet fur, do not get the spread in the little green container: Zigerbutter.

There were many hiking trails close to where we were staying, so we decided to chose one and go for a walk. We hiked up hills, and down hills, passed corn fields and sunflower fields. Eventually, we came to a small village with a lovely clock tower, in a small town called Hermatswil.

I am a sucker for a clock tower, and as I was taking photos, a gentleman came up and asked me where I was from. Of course that turned into a whole conversation, along with meeting his wife. Edi and Mary are friends of the owners of our Airbnb, and were excited for us to tell them Hello!

Edi is well-known in the racing world both here and in the States and he also restores old Ferrari’s. It seems that no matter where we go, we meet new friends.

Since it was nearly 8;00 pm, we headed back home, ending the day, exhausted (me) but ecstatic. 

Night y’all!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leukemialady/
Email: Meeeesh51@gmail.com


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