Leukemia Lady in Oslo DAY 3

Today started with a fabulous “included” breakfast buffet at Clarion: The Hub. I have never seen a “free” breakfast quite like this one. It had everything you can imagine and more. I think my favorite item was the salmon, it was scrumptious. The only thing it did not have was prunes, and if you take Zofran, you will understand where I am coming from. Oh the joys of traveling with CML! 

If you ever travel to Oslo, I highly recommend Clarion: The Hub for location and amenities. It is perfect.

After a lovely meal and a bit of gearing up for the day, we decided to visit a sculpture garden situated in a woodland setting. To get there we decided to walk, Google Maps said 40 minutes, but the straight uphill climb made it much longer for me. I am fairly certain my pleural effusion is still minimal, as I was able to trudge all the way to the top with only a few breaks. Slow and steady wins the race.

I thought that once we saw “Santa” in the roundabout, we were close to the park, but NO, that was just the beginning of the uphill climb.

And once we got to the park, guess what we saw? Yes, more hills! But not to worry, we were in the shade, so all was well.

The first sculpture we saw was quite interesting, I will allow you to figure this big yellow sculpture out on your own. We had quite a conversation while viewing this one.  I would love to hear your interpretations. The second sculpture was also quite interesting.

As we strolled through the park we saw Marilyn Monroe, a lady lying down, one peeing, and a plethora of hanging panties. There was a glass house, a diving board with a perched child and a flat, yet 3D-looking head. To say this sculpture park was unique would be putting it mildly. The park is situated on elevated grounds that offer fantastic views of the city. The small museum was once a house, occupied by German Officers during the Second World War, and then a communal living quarter: it became the Ekenbergerpark in 2013.

After hiking the hills of the park we had a lovely pastry and cup of coffee before taking the tram back down into the city. I think my calves will be sore tomorrow, I cannot remember the last time I walked up that many hills.

We found an amazing Thai restaurant for dinner and called it a day. 13k plus steps for this old lady was a LOT. It was a great day, but I am pooped!

On the upside, the plaguing nausea seems to have ceased, so I threw caution to the wind and started retaking my Bosulif; 100 mg to start, hopefully back to 200 mg tomorrow.

I am not going to lie, after that vasovagal episode, I was a bit nervous. I have not had extreme nausea from my pills in years, so I had this quiet voice wondering if my body was just “done” with this drug. It appears it was just a fluke because I had no major ill effects. Thank God.

Another perfect day; I LOVE traveling with my daughter, such special memories are being made.

Night y’all!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leukemialady/
Email: Meeeesh51@gmail.com


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