Leukemia Lady Goes to Europe!

Today I am getting ready to embark on an epic European adventure! This adventure will start with my daughter, LeeAnn, so get ready for a barrage of photos! In ten days, the boys will be joining us. She flies in from California today and we head to New York, then Oslo, Norway, tomorrow.

Packing for this trip has been challenging because I am going for seven weeks with just a carry-on and one under-seat bag.

First things first, I packed my meds: Bosulif (leukemia), Levothyroxine (thyroid), baclofen (back), acyclovir (cold sores), Zofran (nausea), Xanax (sometimes for sleep), Benadryl and Alleclear, Sleep-Aid, CBD oil (nausea), Tylenol and Ibuprofen, eye drops, hemp stick, Melatonin, chapstick, toothbrush, toothpaste, bandaids, probiotics, Ovuvite and Tums! I also made up a small pouch for covid, just in case; tests, cough drops, throat coat tea, and lozenges. 

This makes me officially OLD, in my opinion! And let’s not forget the heating pad. At this point, I am really glad that I have given up makeup; of course, I needed face creams, shampoo and conditioner (I am trying bars for the first time), laundry sheets, a travel mug, hand sanitizer, and wipes for the plane, face masks, and sunscreen.

Once that was taken care of I made sure to pack my passport and itinerary; I needed to know where to go and to be able to get there.

The next order of business was my camera, booklight, AirPods, battery extender, extension cord, electrical adapters, chargers, an umbrella (for sun and rain), and my back brace. Phew!

Now down to the necessities! Clothing: clothes for warm and cold weather, a raincoat, a pair of sneakers, socks and underwear, flip-flops and a hat. This part of the packing comes down to what fits in the carry-on and doesn’t weigh more than 25 ish pounds. Meaning I will be doing laundry, and wearing the same clothes over and over.

For the first time in my life, I was packed two days before my flight. Who knows what that is all about? But I like it! And now I can spend the evening with my daughter without the stress of packing.

I will be doing daily updates, mostly for my own benefit of remembering this magical trip, but feel free to tag along if you’d like.

I made a pact with myself when I was diagnosed with leukemia, that I would not let my life pass me by without living it to the max. These trips can be taxing, but in the end I never regret them. 

They fill my heart and soul and make fighting cancer daily so worth it, there is a big world out there, and exploring it brings me so much joy.

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leukemialady/
Email: Meeeesh51@gmail.com


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