Asa Sweden Recap

Have you ever experienced a magical moment in time that is beyond words? That’s exactly how I feel about our time with our Swedish “family.” Every single moment was precious and filled my heart to the brim.

It was all the simple moments—walking to pick up the kids from school, visiting the library, strolling by the water, enjoying the amazing meals they prepared, celebrating Uma’s 6th birthday, helping to decorate for her party, spending time with the girls’ parents, playing games, looking at real estate, walking to the park, listening to Max speak English, watching Max and Kas skateboard, Hearing about Kas’s snowboard aspiration, doing puzzles on rainy, windy days, and sharing all the love and hugs—that made the experience truly special.

I am grateful beyond measure, and sharing their life here in Sweden will make the distance seem less when we return home. Being able to envision their life here will make me feel closer to them.

Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Tomorrow we are off to Zurich, Switzerland.

Night y’all!

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor


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