5 Leukemia Blessings: What I Have Gained Since My Leukemia Diagnosis

I do not believe that anyone, except those who have received a cancer diagnosis, will understand this statement: Cancer has brought many blessings into my life.

Before my cancer diagnosis, I took life for granted. I assumed that I would wake up in the morning and continue to do the things I did with little thought that someday that could change.

While having cancer is not ideal, the change in mindset, experiences, and relationships that have occurred for me are priceless. I understand that not everyone feels the same, and that is OK, too.

    1. My cancer diagnosis showed me that I had more inner strength than I ever knew I had. Strength to fight cancer and strength to prevail. My resilience has increased enormously.


    2.  I found a new appreciation for life and its simple pleasures, cherishing every moment and every day. Even on tough days, I am grateful for the opportunity to experience them, as it is far better than the alternative.

    3.  Facing a life-threatening illness reaffirmed my desire to focus on the people and things that are important to me in my life. I reassessed priorities and focused more on matters that meant the most to me. 

     4.  I am so grateful for the friendships that have developed since being diagnosed with CML: people going through CML, just like me. The care, support, laughter, and camaraderie we share is priceless! I am so grateful to have developed such meaningful friendships.

     5.  Ironically, I also found my voice. My advocate voice gives purpose and meaning to my CML. I never set out to be a health advocate, it just happened. 


I often find it hard to believe that CML has been a part of my life since 2011. I will never forget how scared I was hearing those life-changing words, “ I am sorry to tell you this, but you have leukemia.”

I never could have envisioned the journey I have traveled, nor could I imagine all of the blessings that I have received because of this diagnosis, but I am grateful that I have accepted my fate and learned to thrive.

I pray that anyone facing a serious illness or condition will find their own inner strength and resilience to live their best life, too.

FaceBook: CML: A Place for Hope and Humor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leukemialady/
Email: CMLMichele59@gmail.com


  1. I love this Michelle! Thanks for sharing your positive message & experience. Knowing that everyone has different experiences with this diagnosis & treatment, it’s beneficial to look at the benefits you’ve gained along the way. Treatment options have provided hope for many.


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