Favorite Fridays: Who Do You Follow?

Today’s WEGO Health Challenge asked “who” our favorite people on social media are. I immediately assumed that they were speaking of someone that the general public finds newsworthy, and I wasn't sure that I was up to this challenge.

You see, I do not really buy into that whole Twitter/Hash tag thing and I really could care less about “So and So’s” latest and greatest diet, or manicure, but then I realized that I DO “follow” my family and closest friends; and I have also made many, internet friends that have chronic myelogenous leukemia, just like me! Pat Elliot, Greg Stephens and Shara Tietz are also great Health Activists and friends.

I also follow the WEGO Health site as they have a huge community of health advocates and I love their information and support. I am sure that there really are some great people to “follow” and I may be missing the train, but for now, I only have so much time in one day, and just keeping up with my granddaughter’s eighth birthday photo shoot and my grandson’s new love of Texas Hold ‘Em is about all I have time for!

The sites that I have found most informative and supportive are on Facebook, although there is a great group of CML patients in a google email group, too. You may wish to check them out!

  1. cmlhope@googlegroups.com
  2. WEGO Health
  3. Pat Elliott
  4. National CML Society
  5. CML Sisters
  6. CML Survivors
  7. CML Survivors and Caregivers Closed Group


  1. Thanks Michelle for including me on your list and your trust in the work I do as a journalist and patient advocate. My goal is to make the CML journey easier for all of us so we can have the best life possible.

    One of the best resources I found early in my journey were unscripted video interviews with leading CML specialists such as Drs. Mauro, Druker, Cortes and others from Patient Power's CML Center which I would also add to your list of recommendations. http://www.patientpower.info/health-topic/chronic-myelogenous-leukemia

    For those outside of the United States the CML Advocates Network website provides a list of patient organizations around the world, along with contact information. http://www.cmladvocates.net/

    Finally, there is a website and campaign called called "What is My PCR?" which was developed by and for patients from many countries which helps patients understand the PCR testing in multiple languages.http://www.whatismypcr.org/

    There are a lot more resources now than there were when I was diagnosed, and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to enhance our knowledge, including the work you do with your blog and in many other ways. Take care.


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