Where I Get My Strength to Fight CML

Yesterday, my father peacefully left his deteriorating body, for the arms of our Heavenly Father. He fought his battle with strength and grace; my mother, always by his side, despite her own serious medical issues.

Throughout my life, my parents have displayed an amazing amount of courage, strength and grace; through thick and thin, sickness and health, good times and bad, their faith, and dedication to each other never wavered. They were always there for each other, as well as their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

It was my father that drove me to the emergency room when I received the call that I had leukemia. As always, a pillar of strength, my father said, “Shell, things are going to be all right, we will face this and do whatever needs to be done. It is what it is.”

“Yes, Dad, It is what it is.” And this is how he faced his own decline; head on, taking it day by day. He never complained and never asked why; he simply faced each and every day, as well as every complication, with determination, acceptance and courage.

And then there is my dear, sweet mother. Talk about a pillar of strength; all 90 pounds of her. She has a broken wrist, a shoulder that is barely attached to her body and a wound on her leg that I call the black hole, which has not healed in many, many years. Her pain level would have caused me to jump in front of a bus many years ago. Yet, there she was, by my father’s side, encouraging him and caring for him; never a complaint, right till the very end.

She IS the Energizer Bunny, she has taken many lickin’s and keeps on tickin’; she is a force to reckoned with and amazes me daily. I know that she will be missing my father desperately, during the rest of her journey. Yet she will never complain, she will continue to live her life to the best of her ability, always giving more of herself than she should. It is her nature to do for others, before thinking of herself. Mom, if you read this, I want you to think of yourself first, from now on! This is a direct order!

Thanks to the example of my parents, I have the strength and courage to fight my own battles. They have demonstrated through their actions, how to face tragedy and despair with dignity, difficulties with grace, and how to love unconditionally.

Leukemia doesn’t stand a chance! I have their inherent stubbornness, as well as their tenacity and I Thank God for the privilege of being their daughter.

Mom and Dad, you taught me well. Thank you.

All My Love and Admiration,
Your daughter,



  1. 'LIKE' ..

    Thank you!

    I'm so sorry for your loss. .
    This is a very inspiring blog!
    : )

  2. 'LIKE' ..

    Thank you!

    I'm so sorry for your loss. .
    This is a very inspiring blog!
    : )

  3. Thank you, Darcy
    IT is always nice to hear "nice" things.

    Blessings your way,


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