
Showing posts from 2013

Sprycel and Musculoskeletal Pain

Mental Mind Meld; A Positive Outlook is a Must!

I Still Remember…

What Would You Tell a Caregiver?

Three Truths and a Lie

My Most Embarrassing Moment; Since Diagnosis

Favorite Fridays: Who Do You Follow?

Do You Tell People About Your Leukemia?

Evolution; How Being a Patient Has Changed Me

Three Songs That Lift My Spirits!

Alternative Medicine; Is it for You?

Just Admit It!

My Favorite Three Quotes

Was Sprycel Keeping My Peripheral Neuropathy at Bay?

Cancer Sucks: A Tribute to Joan B. Goode

Facebook; Is it the Be All; End All?

Flu Shot; The Yearly Dilemma!

Sprycel Vacation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!!

When Dealing with Illness; Knowledge is Key!

Where I Get My Strength to Fight CML

100mg of Sprycel It Is; The Experiment Continues

Things You Shouldn't Say To Someone With Leukemia