Day 19 WEGO Challenge: Dear 16 Year Old Me,

Me, My Mom and Dad

It was 1975 when I was a sixteen year old girl. I was a typical teenager with typical problems; I knew everything and my parents knew nothing. I was most often right, and rarely wrong. I knew how my life was going to play out, and I was invincible. The world was my oyster and I was ready to take it on by storm.
Looking back, I have a few regrets and there are definitely situations that I would now handle differently; if I only knew then what I know now.

 Dear Me,

Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up; life is full of ups and downs, good things and bad, sooner than you can even imagine, your life will be half over and you will marvel at how quickly it has flown by. Take time now to enjoy your freedom, it won’t be long before you have to be the responsible one, the one that everyone looks to for answers. Explore the world and your options while you are young, don’t be afraid to grow up and grown old, just take your time in doing so.

Life can be grand and life can be hard. Your greatest joy in your life will come from your children and their families; love them and prepare them for a life of their own. Hold them in your heart and rejoice when they spread their wings. Your immediate family will sustain and support you throughout your life. Never take them for granted and always be certain to nurture those relationships.

Be prepared for life to take unexpected turns; sometimes in a good way, and sometimes not. Know that you will survive all of them, in one way or another. Live every day to its’ fullest; do what you can while you are able, so that you will have many memories to keep you company when you are not. Never take your life or your health for granted.

Be kind and compassionate, always helping others when possible and do not be afraid to accept help from those that love you, when you need it. Accepting help from others is not a weakness. Be strong, yet be vulnerable. It is alright to cry.

Cherish your days and know you have arrived when you realize that maybe your parents really did know something! Become a responsible and reliable asset to the world but never, ever lose the giggle in your heart. It is alright to always wonder what you want to be when you grow up.

Love, hugs, strength and knowledge from an older, and hopefully wiser self,


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