One Thing That All Cancer Patients Have in Common

I am sure that there are many, many things that cancer patients all have in common, but one thing that I am sure of, is that the very first thing that we all have in common is a total and complete shock. No one expects to hear the words, “You have cancer.” Sure, we all logically know that cancer, somewhere in our bodies, at some point during our lifespan is a possibility; however, few of us actually believe that it will ever happen to us. Cancer is something that happens to other people, not me.

Most of us that are walking around knowingly having cancer, walked around for quite some time incubating cancer cells, without us even knowing that we were ill. Sometimes people become ill from their cancers, other times we are simply blindsided by a routine exam. I really do not know if there is a better way to get the news or not, but being told you have cancer when you really didn’t know you were sick is a real shocker. I know some people go through months and months of testing, knowing that something is amiss when they finally get the news, so maybe for them, an answer of some sort is better than the unknown, but I truly believe that regardless of the delivery, every one of us was shocked.

Life as we once knew it is gone forever. Our lives’ are not over by any means, they are just going to be different; they will never be the same. For every single person that hears those three big words, “You have cancer,” a new journey begins. While many of us will share similar treatments, medications, side effects, and results, we are all different and our experiences will all vary. We can share our stories and experiences with others, in the hope to help and to learn from each other. Cancer is a six-letter word that will change your life; forever.

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