Better than Christmas: Visiting My Kids and Grandkids!

It has been a long time coming; I finally am able to travel and visit my son, daughter in law, and four of my grandchildren. I was able to have the two older girls with me for a few days this summer, but I haven’t seen Brookie, since Christmas last year, and I only briefly got to see the brand new baby, born in May; once. I am so anxious to get to know that little boy. I am really hoping that he doesn't take one look at me and burst into tears!

Shockingly, enough everyone is actually healthy, with the exception of my son who randomly tested positive for mononucleosis, a few months ago; so, guess won’t be kissing him. Other than that all of the kids are well. I brought my meds, extra vitamins and precautionary breathing prescription, just in case, but I am hoping for an uneventful, healthy trip.

It is so hard to not have them right down the street, like they used to be when we all lived in Boise. They are now in the Phoenix area and I am in Los Angeles; it is just too far away. What happened to the days when families all lived in close proximity to one another? If I had my wish all of my children and grandchildren would live in their own homes, walking distance to Nana!


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