Seems as Though My Bad Luck is Continuing!

This morning I woke up to Google’s announcement that they are discontinuing my Adsense program. It seems that if they put related ads on your site and people click on them then that is not a good thing. Whatever, I will figure something else out while I appeal their decision.

With that in mind, I decide to head down to the fabric district in Los Angeles. I need new costumes for my dance competitions and since the costumes run in the thousands of dollars range, I have decided that in my abundance of free time to make my own. I have never been to the fabric district before and really hate driving into the city. Scary!

I followed someone on the internets’ advice and parked at a meter. I tried putting in quarters to no avail and was told that I needed to use my debit card. I put my debit card in and hit the plus sign to give myself two hours and headed on my way.

The fabric district is a plethora of shops; shops with fabric, trims and beads. I knew that I would need a ton of beads and had been told that the Bohemian Bead Shop was the place to go. Luckily for me it was right across the street. I went in there first and was overwhelmed by the amount of beads that were there. After wandering around a bit, I found the type of beads that I was looking for; there were tons of colors and sizes so I just punted. Since orange is the symbol color for leukemia, I decided to go with that. I picked out a bag of orange beads and then chose some emerald green beads and some clear ones.

Now I needed to find fabric. I was looking for a four-way stretch knit. The type used for bathing suits. I went into five different shops and finally found one that had a color that would match the beads. So far, so good. I went into another shop that had appliques; now this was a bit more difficult; there were so many and I really did not even know what I was looking for. I finally chose a large applique for the front and four smaller ones for the back. Mind you, I haven’t a clue what I am doing.

Worrying about my meter, I can see my car and have to cross two streets to get to it. I have been gone 58 minutes. I am thinking that I have two hours, but want to check it anyway. Besides, the beads and the fabric are very heavy and I want to unload them. Just as I am putting my purchases into the trunk, a bicycle cop takes a picture of my license plate. I said, “What are you doing?” He said, “Giving you a ticket.” I said, “What for?” He said, “Your meter is expired.” I said, “You’re kidding me right now? It just this very second expired and I was waiting for traffic to get into my car.” He said, “Sorry about that, the picture has already been taken.” Fabric: $59.27, Beads: $81.22 Appliques: $8, Parking ticket: $58 Aggravation: Priceless. So much for bargain shopping in LA!

I have every intention of fighting Google AND the LA Parking Violation Department. Talk about luck; oh, well, on the upside, I love my beads and fabric, now if I can only assemble them into one bodysuit with eight different skirts and thousands of beads by July!

And the Beat Goes On….Lah-da-dah-dee-deeee….Lah-dah-da-dee-dah-ah!


  1. Absolutely fight BOTH of them Michele. I have an intense dislike of "Lovely Rita, Metermaid"! We call them "parking nazi's"... I will not complain anymore about how much they cost here tho, I guess I am getting a bargain! The GOOD thing in your blog today, is that you are looking ahead, and STILL see yourself DANCING! Just keep dancing, and it will all be ok! XOXO Always, Julia

  2. Yes, Julia it seems as though I will be dancing straight to the poor house! lol


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